Like iron sharpens iron…

men supporting men,

men learning from men and

men helping each other during tough times.

Ian ‘Watto’ Watson’s original Shed Night vision, was to help Aussie men deal with their pains and struggles and find healing and experience wholesome growth, has grown from strength to strength. Learn about Shed Happens and get involved in a Shed Event near you!


Shed Happens

SHED is best seen as an extension of God's KINGDOM. It works best without a denominational tag on it and is more suited to be held away from the church grounds. It makes it easier for blokes who don't 'do' church and those who don't have any Christian background.

SHED is not a Church, nor a movement, nor a club. It’s a safe non-judgmental place for all men. It is not into clergy-bashing or denominational church-bashing. It’s where men can learn to be better husbands, fathers, mates and better human beings who will be drawn into wanting to be part of a Christian fellowship.

SHED venues must be bloke friendly and cosy so blokes can get close together in a confined area. Formality is not required for blokes – a shed ( industrial, rural or suburban), a truckyard or wherever blokes feel good and safe. You can push 20-50 chairs or drums or hay bales up close to 2 tall stools. Have a stage just a little higher so you’re not looking down on the bloke. Don’t make the chairs look like a school room. Half circle the chairs if possible – and blokes don’t want too many bright lights because if something said touches their heart they don’t want to be seen.

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Ian Watto Watson

We need to spill our guts and drop off our masks so that we can become the real deal before the 'Big Fella' in the safe place of the Shed with the 'men of the village'. These blokes will help us be free from fear and guilt big time and the healing process can begin.

Men’s Health


2016 data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, men outnumber women in many causes of non-sex-related deaths.

  • Suicide – 75 per cent of deaths are male

  • Trachea and lung cancers – 60 per cent of deaths are male

  • Blood and lymph cancers – 58 per cent of deaths are male

  • Ischaemic heart disease – 57 per cent of deaths are male

  • Colon and rectum cancers – 55 per cent of deaths are male.

One out of every six Australian men suffers from depression.

  • Teenagers and the elderly are particularly at risk.

  • Men are likely to resort to destructive behaviours in an attempt to deal with depression.

  • Depressed men are twice as likely as depressed women to abuse alcohol and drugs.

Shed Happens aims to help men in need, through support and encouragement. What makes Shed Happens different? Shed Happens focuses on the core of the man - your heart, your emotions, your spirit, your soul and aims to help heal your heart.

Sharing your story &

listening to your mate,

can make all the difference.